Thursday, July 5, 2012

Kale with potatoes

My hubby needs to lower his blood sugar stay healthy. I am trying to help him. He likes spinach and wants to eat his greens. I hate spinach ...gag! I am not a fan of kale, it looks pretty. All those curly emerald green leaves under the sprayers sparkling water at the grocery store.
 I remember them blaming the use of water spray  for causing legionnaires disease
BUT,( I know, never start a sentence with but, butt I am)  I cooked  it and behold it was good. You do need to cut it very fine it is chewy.Next Time I use the food processor.
 The Indians meaning the people of India have got it going on. I think they can make anything taste good. Kale is a tough one literally and figuratively. Only for health reason did I go down this road. I'm sure it makes a good landscaping plant. It would be fun to have a lawn full as long as I didn't feel I had to eat it all, or any :(
 I think it probably would have been one of those nights  back in the 60's that I would have had to go to bed  if we had to eat kale. I think I would have totally gagged. I remember having to eat canned spinach. I gagged . My father rarely ate with us swine, I got kicked out of the kitchen. One of those get out of jail free days! I don't ever remember seeing kale ever anywhere.Thank you for that.
This recipe is user friendly and I will make again. It was good just too chewy. I find most recipe say to cook kale 10 minutes. when they use it in soup it gets cooked a long time I think its needs more than 10 minutes. I reheated it today and it was allot better chewiness wise.

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