Thursday, July 26, 2012

bean mayonaise  I usually cut the recipe in half when I haven't  tried it  or even more so I don't waste food. I halved this. Another reason is how long does it keep. I made a small portion of coleslaw and eureka its good!! Not as good as real mayo but 1/8 cup of oil in a half batch and I used a couple tablespoons. It made maybe 3/4 of a cup. So no worries on the slaw!! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

sausage patty

I made the sausage patties. needed fennel seed and hickory smoked salt I thought. just my opinion.Ok I did that I think I should add Italian seasonings ( oregano basil parsley sage mix) and fresh parsley from the garden. These are a keeper
The home-fries, who knew you could make them without a gallon of oil.
I went to yoga I had no breakfast. Hubby ate earlier than I did.He had his salad. I ate his share of the home-fries and mine which is why he lost 20lbs and I didn't :(   I am impossible... and hungry! It is my brunch I missed breakfast so its ok?
I did leave out the beans bacon and toast. I do intend to try and make YES, eggplant bacon.
The only thing missing from this breakfast was the belly ache I would get from sausage and that lead feeling from too much oil.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

faux Tuna

This was very good I enjoyed it. Its from Its simple to make and pretty darn good next time I won't process the celery and onion. This is great and no mercury !! Just wanted to tell you after a day or 2 in the fridge it was still good maybe add some new celery.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Dinner loaf

If you miss meatloaf this is it It is made with TVP and brown rice. I used tomatoe sauce for the top but I recommend Organicville ketchup on top.
Oven 350 degrees
The recipe is as follows :
1 cup of TVP
1 cup of hot water with a veg bouillion cube
1/2 c of tomatoe sauce (you be the judge)
1/4 cup of whole wheat bread crumbs
1 tsp of onion powder
1tsp of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of parsley I used fresh
1 small chopped up onion cook the onion. I used dried onions no cooking.
1 1/2 cups of cooked brown rice ( I used brown basamati )
egg replacement to equal 2 eggs or 2 eggs
add the bouillion to the hot water and disolve it.
Add the TVP to the hot water and the tomatoe sauce let stand at least 20 minutes or so I just tasted it.
now add the rest of the ingredients mix together add to a loaf pan that has been greased with whatever you use Pam ?
add the ketchup to the top enough to cover spread it around
Bake 45 minutes I let it rest for 15  minutes
Hubby said "I don't know who wouldn't like this". so its good!!

quinoa patties for breakfast

I had quinoa cooked. I find oatmeal hard to eat not loving it. here was recipe that has both quinoa and oatmeal in a patty form. I exchanged the parsley for dried vegetable flakes added water and left out the milk.Parsley is growing outside too tired to go get it. It says to refrigerate I didn't I was hungry. The patties fell apart so it became a scramble. The flavor was like an omelet. If I could get up I should have cooked some mushrooms or had some fruit on the side.I liked it and it was easy. A good thing to have ready in the fridge.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

losing weight

I just want to go on record to say I have not lost any weight. I still drink occasionally and eat candy and snacks here and there.I have completely changed what I eat. I was just reading a testimonial someone ate all they wanted on a vegan diet and lost 100 lbs. I don't need to lose that much, 25 -30 would do it. I'd be happy with 5-10 off. I am not motivated. particularly because when you are 59 how good can you look.. more wrinkly and haggy.I don't have the money or the interest to go to spas for treatment.
 I have seen written, a vegan diet and the weight falls off of you. Mine is stuck on.I refused to go back to wondering when I can eat again and rifling through the cabinets like a drug addict who needs a fix. Its still portion size calories in. there is no free lunch.
My husband has lost 14 lbs. I have lost zero.I do not work as hard as he does.I am still trying to just be healthy avoiding excess of unhealthy things and drink more water.I think my appetite for junk food has decreased but weight "falling off " not happening!
 I would make the farmers happy blowing up in record time and tipping the scales if I were a poor critter.I was skinny until the age of 33. I do think all those hormones and antibiotics they pump into the animals gets in to who ever eats the meat. They say every year we are getting fatter and fatter. I don't eat at fast food places I can't blame them. I blame opportunity and availability. My goal is to lower my cholesterol and maybe when I clean that out I with have the weight "fall off" Not holding my breathe.

black bean croquettes This is easy and super delicious! My husband said they were delicious. I use an icecream scoop and press them down to flatten. I didn't want a big lump.You can make them and freeze them.The fresh salsa ia a must. You get your raw veg with your cooked and a ton of fiber. This is a go to recipe. Use as a main dish, add to a salad make a sandwich all good.